we travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us

Weather, Wine and War

January 6, 2014

Happy National Championship Day! 

G O  N O L E S ! ! !

I don't normally care about sports, but being that I'm back at FSU and I hate Alabama fans so I really need us to win. (P.S. I do realize we're playing Auburn, not Alabama, but my 'Bama friends on the 'book talking about how FSU will never win because SEC is so much better than ACC)

I'm in NYC for the game though so I'm going to a NYC Noles bar to watch! It's fun because there are a lot of FSU alums up here so it's almost like being back in Tally...but it's soo cold. 

So yeah, I guess if you're anywhere "north" you probably have been living through this hellish weather right along with me! I lived in NYC for six years and I SWEAR to God it was NEVER as cold as it has been! Also, Felipe doesn't have heat in his apartment (this is not a joke or exaggeration) ...ONLY a space heater in his bedroom. It actually works really well but it takes a long time to warm up. I can't talk about it. 

I really did want to see snow when I was here, and I got my wish.   
The problem was that it was SO COLD out that I almost couldn't bring myself to go out in it (the windchill was -10 or something.)

I managed to huff it down to Central Park in all of Felipe's ski clothes (yeah, I was looking gooood). But my face was burning off so I didn't go that far in. So you just get some generic pics of the snow that might not even be from Central Park. 
I didn't do anything on that day - my friends all got a snow day from work (#teacherlife) but I was exhausted and cold...and SORRY but that's one thing that was always true for me ... I HATE going out in the cold...it doesn't matter if I'm gonna be inside in the heat, I just effin hate the cold!

So, on Saturday we went to a bar/restaurant we really like on 106 & B'way...they have THE BEST buffalo chicken mac & cheese. But, my stomach had been weirdly gurgling and upset so I didn't feel like I could do it. I decided to order water, ginger ale, and then for good measure: red wine. I just had a feeling red wine would settle my stomach. I'm not sure why because I've never heard this before, but it just seemed right. Red wine is good for us, right?

 thirsty much?

It was a fun night and we stayed out a lot later than I'd anticipated.


I met D-nice & Baby K to see Lone Survivor (which I guess isn't out everywhere until next week).

I hate to say a movie like that is "good" because it's so sad and horrible and a true story, but I think people need to see it. It gives you perspective and also makes you realize you have nothing to complain about! & also I just want to thank every person who has served in the military or family members of those people because jesus! I just can't imagine the stress!

A great weekend... I'm getting sad as the countdown to back to Florida is quickly approaching! I go back Thursday and while I seriously am SO EXCITED for highs in the 70s, it's gonna be really hard to leave Felipe and all my friends up here again!

Just gonna make the most out of it while I'm here!



  1. I had no idea it was National Championship time, probably luckily bc all my obnoxious UAlabama friends can't be talking about it. I'll cheer on FSU for oyu!

  2. our weather here (toronto) blows. it has been pretty much all winter and on wednesday, it's going to drop to -29C and that doesn't even include windchill. winter needs to get its shit together and stop it already!

    Vodka and Soda

  3. YES YES YES, GOOOOO NOLES! Loved cheering with you last night.
    And this Floridian wants to play in NYC snow. Call me crazy, it's ok. The only time I've ever "seen snow", I didn't know what was happening and I thought someone was ashing their cigarette on me.

  4. Awww I am a Gator fan but still love you because any college football lover is awesome!


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